Thursday, November 11, 2010

Get Your Priorities Straight: A Response to Mort Zuckerman and Anyone Who Agrees With Him

This post is in response to this article from US News and World Report:

Specifically in response to Zuckerman's question: "Why did Obama put his health plan so far ahead of the economy?"

Obama put healthcare above the economy because he believes lives to be of more worth than money. First of all, everyone knows it is not Obama's fault that our economy is in shambles. He inherited this problem, and it is certainly not an easy fix, if it can be fixed at all. We might need to accept that perhaps our economy is never going to recover, and there is nothing that can be done about it because the entire world's economy is changing, and when the world is changing how could our little piece of it stay the same?

Let's say Obama did start working on our economy straight away, and forgot about his healthcare plan. He might gradually be able to make things better. Keyword: MIGHT. There is no certainty in anything having to do with our economy. Meanwhile, all the people who lost their jobs due to our floundering economy would no longer have the healthcare provided by their employers, plus they would lose their source of income and would be unable to pay for a private healthcare plan. If these people were to become sick, sustain an injury, or need some kind of surgery they would be completely SOL. Perhaps some of them would die or become permanently altered because of the inability to receive medical treatment. Doesn't this seem terrible? Do you think that things like this were not happening, with hundreds of thousands losing their jobs each month? Or do you just not care?

Obama's healthcare plan comes to the aid of these thousands of people who are victims of our current economic situation. Next time you want to accuse him of disregarding our economy, think of this. He might not be making stocks go up, but he is making the crisis much easier to deal with for the people who are affected the most.

As an end note, many of the people who commented on Zuckerman's article also pointed out that Obama has far from ignored our economy. He saved the auto industry, for crying out loud! He saved American banks and financial institutions! Honestly, does everyone just forget everything he has done just because the media no longer focuses on it? Use your minds, think for yourself, don't believe everything you read just because it comes from some reputable news source.

And a worthwhile website:

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